Fried Beef @ Daging Goreng

There are so many versions around. This is mine, as taught by my better half.

Preparation Time | Masa Penyediaan: 30 minutes
Difficulty | Kesukaran: 1/5
Serves: 1
Ingredients | Bahan-Bahan
  • 200g beef | 200g daging lembu
  • 3 tablespoon cooking oil | 3 sudu besar minyak masak
  • 1 red chili | 1 biji cili merah
  • Half onion | Setengah biji bawang besar
  • Salt | Garam
  • Turmeric powder | Serbuk kunyit
Methods | Cara-cara
  1. Cut the onion and chili into smaller pieces | Potong bawang besar dan cili merah kepada hirisan lebih kecil
  2. Cut the meat into smaller slices around 4mm in thickness | Potong daging kepada hirisan kecil lebih kurang 4mm tebal
  3. Mix turmeric powder with some salt and mix with meat | Gaulkan garam dan serbuk kunyit bersama daging
  4. Fry the meat in the wok until well done and the beef oil dissipates | Goreng daging di dalam kuali sehingga masak dan air daging kering menjadi minyak kembali
  5. Throw in the cut onion and chili and cook until the onion becomes soft | Masukkan potongan bawang dan cili merah tadi dan masak sehingga bawang layu
Note | Nota

To convert the dish into soya sauce dish add tamarind water and soya sauce just after the meat is fully cooked (step 4) | Untuk mengubah masakan ini menjadi masak kicap, masukkan air asam jawa dan kicap setelah daging cukup masak (langkah 4).

Sweet Sour Crab @ Ketam Masam Manis

Preparation Time | Masa Penyediaan: 30-45 minutes
Difficulty | Kesukaran: 2/5
Ingredients | Bahan-Bahan
  • 250ml tomato sauce or puree | 250ml sos atau puri tomato
  • 3 flower crabs | 3 ekor ketam bunga
  • 3 garlic cloves | 3 ulas bawang putih 
  • 1 red chili | 1 biji cili merah
  • 1 piece onion | 1 biji bawang besar
  • 1 tablespoon of ground chili paste | 1 sudu besar cili giling
  • Cooking oil | Minyak masak
  • Salt | Garam
  • Sugar | Gula
  • Turmeric powder | Serbuk kunyit
Methods | Cara-cara
  1. Cut the onion and red chili to smaller chunks | Potong bawang besar dan cili merah kepada bahagian kecil
  2. Flatten the garlic cloves using the flat side of the knife | Titik bawang putih
  3. Mix turmeric powder and salt with the crab | Gaulkan garam dan serbuk kunyit bersama ketam
  4. Fry the crabs to crispy, and remove from wok | Goreng ketam sampai garing, dan angkat dari kuali
  5. Remove excessive oil from wok, leaving about 5 tablespoon of crab flavored oil | Keluarkan minyak berlebihan dari kuali, dan tinggalkan lebih kurang 5 sudu besar minyak berperisa ketam tersebut
  6. Fry the chili paste, onion, garlic, and red chili until fragrant | Tumis cili giling, bawang besar, bawang putih, dan cili merah sampai naik bau
  7. Pour the tomato sauce or puree, and a cup of water then let it simmer | Tuangkan sos atau puri tomato dan secawan air kemudian biarkan mendidih
  8. Add in sugar and salt to taste | Masukkan garam dan gula secukup rasa
  9. Add in the fried crabs | Masukkan ketam goreng